What fun I had putting pictures into this My Digital Studio Hybrid scrapbook we made at my stampin' retreat this summer. Cindy Schuster created and brought this adorable album as her retreat wow project.
It is an envelope scrapbook that has pages that tuck into the envelopes. There are places for photos on the outside of the envelopes. The art work was created in My Digital Studio and printed, then cut up and glued in the proper places.
The theme of this little album is"I am", which was Stampin' Up!'s convention theme this past summer. It was fun to print and scrap photos from convention. I love my friends, downline and those stampin' friends you get to hug once a year at convention.
Convention is an event that I look forward to attending and this year was no exception. It is wonderful to have a meeting place for my downline that we can all come together and
share our lives and stampin ideas. I am grateful for these wonderful women.
If you want to learn more about My Digital Studio2 you can check out the details on my stampin site: http://wendythestamper.stampinup.net. You can try it for free! and now it is even cheaper to purchase print products in MDS2.