Like all good ideas you use them over and over and then they get filed into the "been there, done that" file. The quilt house was looking for a fun project for their meeting this week and I volunteered to come up with something. That is when I remembered this lost pattern for velvet ornaments.
You can make these holiday ornaments using any size square, this one is 5 1/2' square. It is best to use real velvet (that is not something easy to find here in Arabia so we had to make due). To stamp on velvet you mist the right side of fabric with water and they lay right side to stamp image that is sitting rubber side up on an ironing board. Cover stamp with fabric and then press with iron for about a count of 10. Lift and repeat with until velvet is stamped as much as you like.
The German Bell shape is cardstock fold, in half both horizonal and vertical and diangle. The tricky fold is the airplane fold. This is done by folding edges toward the center creating a point at the corner and repeating this for every corner. The full pattern can be printed from this link.
The velvet is glued with Stampin' glue stick to the cardstock and folded into shape. I used cording to attach bead from the bottom up through ornament stitching the top closed and then adding more beads and making a loop to hang it by.
Sometimes pulling out been there done those things can be worth doing again. To order supplies check out my stampin' site: