Ted ran across these pictures of him on a business trip (yes he took customers/friends deep sea fishing for a living when we lived in California, it was like a gold trip he told me.) When he ran across these pictures he has such a good time remembering this trip that I sat down and created this page to put in his book so he can easily look back in time. (way back in time, this was before he even grew a beard)
This page was create in one of my wow scrapbook classes so it was already for me to drop my pictures onto it and in a few minutes I had a great page and preserved a memory.
Several years ago I started a new system for scrapbooking, I am never behind and I have the freedom to scrapbook whatever I feel like at this moment. I have a book for each child and one for my husband and me (I don't scrapbook as many pictures about Ted and I as I do my girls). I have another scrapbook for Places we go, People we love and Things we do and when I create a page I file it into one of these books. I am amazed how much more scrapbooking I do because I am excited about creating a page for whatever is on my mind and the moment and how free I feel to create something and complete it after one two page spread instead of thinking I have to complete a whole book. This concept was not my idea I read about it from Stacy Julian from simple scrapbook magazine and have loved scrapbooking this way and I hope you try it out and scrapbook whatever memory you want to today.
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